Great news for us geeks! You can now use your Flic smart home buttons to start Alexa Routines, something that many of us have been crying out for ever since the Echo Buttons were discontinued by Amazon.
Using the Alexa app, you can now add the Flic buttons and use them to build automations. These automations can be as simple or as complex as you want.
For example, you can attach more than one action to each Alexa Routine. This means that a simple click of your Flic button can trigger a news update, a rundown of your calendar for the day, switch on the bedroom light and get the kettle boiling.
And don’t worry if you have an original Flic button!
Not only are the new generation of Flic 2 buttons compatible with Alexa, but the originals too. These Flic buttons are actually better options than the discontinued Echo Buttons too as they have double-tap and hold functions for extra usage.
This new Alexa routine trigger feature adds a whole new level to the Flic buttons, which were already incredibly useful in their own right. Actually, the Flic buttons are currently the only products of their kind on the market that can trigger Alexa Routines.
Got questions? Get in contact with our smart home team today. We are here to help you work smarter not harder.